Marian Coins

2 October - 10 January 2021
There are many different people who collect many different things: very unusual things, but also time-honoured things under a very specific theme. The Diocesan Museum can present such a unique private collection in the second half of the year: Here, coins depicting the Mother of God Mary have been collected comprehensively in terms of time and space.
This ranges from Byzantine coins well over a thousand years old showing Mary as Queen of Heaven installing the ruler in his office to images of grace venerated worldwide to this day. Bavarian princes in particular have been fond of the "high lady" as their patron saint, but the city of Hamburg has also invoked Mary's patronage in many coins.
There is much to marvel at: the smallest coin has a diameter of just 12 millimetres, while the heaviest weighs over 150 grams. The most expensive is not one of the many gold coins, but a silver coin from the neighbourhood: a thaler of the Bishop of Eichstätt from 1606, minted in Nuremberg.
There are very unusual and unexpected depictions of Mary, for example Mary in a tree, with a poem or on an Islamic coin. And there are curiosities like the tram fare for the journey from Nuremberg to Fürth ...
The exhibition shows a selection of the Marian coins from this unusual collection, while the comprehensive catalogue presents all of the more than 500 pieces. The project aims not only to inspire new devotion to the Virgin Mary, but perhaps also to encourage one's own collecting activities with an equally extraordinary theme.
The exhibition is enriched by numerous hands-on stations for the young and young at heart. There will be exciting information on the subject of Marian coins and money. Of course, there will also be puzzles and games to play.
There is much to marvel at: the smallest coin has a diameter of just 12 millimetres, while the heaviest weighs over 150 grams. The most expensive is not one of the many gold coins, but a silver coin from the neighbourhood: a thaler of the Bishop of Eichstätt from 1606, minted in Nuremberg.
There are very unusual and unexpected depictions of Mary, for example Mary in a tree, with a poem or on an Islamic coin. And there are curiosities like the tram fare for the journey from Nuremberg to Fürth ...
The exhibition shows a selection of the Marian coins from this unusual collection, while the comprehensive catalogue presents all of the more than 500 pieces. The project aims not only to inspire new devotion to the Virgin Mary, but perhaps also to encourage one's own collecting activities with an equally extraordinary theme.
The exhibition is enriched by numerous hands-on stations for the young and young at heart. There will be exciting information on the subject of Marian coins and money. Of course, there will also be puzzles and games to play.
ausstellungen 2021